
8 Important Relationship tips to be happy


A healthy relationship is very important for a human being. If we look around us, we often see how people are not satisfied in their relationship. Some or the other day we hear that a relationship came to an end or it failed. A happy and peaceful relationship is very important for the mental wellness of any person. There are many important things to do when you are in a relationship. This relationship can be of any kind. It can be a friendship, it can be a relationship between parents and their child, it can be between siblings as well , it can be between couples, work relationships, romantic relationships.


Try to understand each other: Often the problems arise in a relationship because one fails to understand the other. Have you ever thought of why the other person can’t understand you?

It may be due to many reasons. As human beings we need to understand that personality differs from person to person. You cannot expect your partner to be the same as you. 


Communication is very important in any relationship. It is sad to say that often people don’t understand the real meaning of communication. Communication involves a lot of things. It is very important to convey what you think about a particular thing. Often the relationship dont go well because people don’t talk to each other.

If you think the other person is not able to understand you, you need to see if you have conveyed your views appropriately. Conveying one’s needs, opinions, thoughts become very important. And it is not just about conveying your thoughts, the way you talk and convey holds a lot of importance. Sometimes you may be right at your place but your tone and pitch may ruin the conversation. Try to convey your thoughts in the best possible way you can without disrespecting or offending a person. 


Though listening is a part of communication itself, its weightage is so high that it’s given here as a separate point. As human beings we want somebody to listen to us , listen to what we want, what we think and when we feel we are not listened to, we feel sad. Somewhere we stop speaking what we were earlier talking about. It is very important to make the other person feel that you are listening , you are there for him/her.

Some of the things that you can do when a person is talking t you is : 

  • Be attentive
  • Maintain eye contact 
  • Don’t interrupt in between
  • Don’t start giving your views immediately 
  • Don’t form judgements in your mind , just listen first
  • Provide feedback
  • Give your opinions when you think person wants to hear from you


Transparency holds a very significant value in relationships. Often it becomes disturbing when people start hiding things. We feel sad and less valued. We feel like we cannot trust the other person and there comes the situation where the relationship fails.

Trust is like the foundation, if the foundation is weak, the relationship cannot grow. So if you want somebody to trust you, somewhere you have to also be honest with the person. 

Both the person should try to convey conflicts, issues, misunderstandings in the relationship.


Relationships cannot build without trust. Sometimes the other person may be honest ,but due to your nature or personality you may not be able to trust the person and there both the people will suffer. We have to modify ourselves in order to understand the person better. We cannot always show our insecurities. Often people feel distant in relationships because they lack trust. Trust brings closeness, positivity. Lack of trust can create a lot of issues.

It’s not just about how one person is, it also depends upon the other person. It has to be both ways. We should be trustworthy.


Arguments, differences of opinion can be common but how you deal with it is very important. If your view differs from your partner, it does not mean that one person is superior. We need to respect each other. We may have differences of opinion and we may not like the other person’s point of view but we don’t have to disrespect the person. We can definitely put up our points and convey our thoughts but our volume, tone and pitch should not be offending or disrespectful.


when we forgive people, we grow. Mistakes and conflicts do happen and sometimes we as humans are so hurt that we fail to forgive. It is very important to let go of the grudges for mental peace. When there are situations of conflict, we should try to see the situation from another person’s point of view. Forgiveness does not mean that we have to suppress our feelings.

Talking about our feelings is important. We cannot give up on a person solely on the basis of mistakes. Nobody can tell us to forgive a person. It will be our decision to forgive. If we think we can forgive a person and move on without bitterness , we have to practise forgiveness. But forgiveness does not mean tolerating abuse and violence.

Sometimes you may forgive the person for what they did but may not be able to carry on the relationship. Forgive what is forgivable. Forgiveness not only applies for others, it also applies for oneself. When you can forgive others, learn to forgive yourself as well. Acknowledge the mistake, take the lesson and move on.

Forgiving oneself  becomes very important. Some things may be forgivable for one person and may not be for others. One’s tolerance level plays a great role. In case of fidelity, forgiveness may not work for many people and they may wish to end the relationship. Forgiveness also does not mean reconciliation. You may not reconcile with them again but forgiveness becomes important for you to grow.


Appreciation can go a long way in a relationship. Appreciation for every little thing a person does becomes quite important. Notice and appreciate their efforts. 

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