Showing 6 Result(s)

The powerful Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a prominent psychotherapeutic approach developed by the renowned psychologist Albert Ellis in the mid-20th century. Rooted in cognitive-behavioral principles, REBT aims to help individuals identify and challenge irrational beliefs and thoughts that contribute to emotional distress and maladaptive behaviors. This research-based article explores the fundamental principles, techniques, and empirical …

Men's mental health month

Men’s Mental Health Month

Men’s Mental Health Month: A better society- Men’s Mental Health Month serves as a crucial opportunity to shed light on the emotional well-being of men, encouraging conversations and initiatives that prioritise their mental health. In a society that often discourages vulnerability in men, this designated month aims to break down stigmas, promote awareness, and provide …

9 damaging stereotypes

9 Damaging stereotypes in the society

9 Damaging stereotypes in the society  : a stereotype is a belief about a group of people. Is it that simple? No. It is an oversimplified, unfair and often biassed belief about a group of people. We as humans have preconceived ideas and we tend to apply it on individuals or groups of people. Stereotypes …


8 Important Relationship tips to be happy

A healthy relationship is very important for a human being. If we look around us, we often see how people are not satisfied in their relationship. Some or the other day we hear that a relationship came to an end or it failed. A happy and peaceful relationship is very important for the mental wellness …


11 Heartwarming Schizophrenia Movies

(Heartcatching Movies on schizophrenia starting from alphabet A to I: A beautiful Mind, Angel Baby, Bullet, Benny and Joon, Best of Youth, clean shaven, call me crazy, canvas, caveman’s valentine, Donnie Darko, I met a girll) A Beautiful Mind: Battle with schizophrenia Written by: Akiva Goldsman Based on: A beautiful Mind by Slyvia Nasar Cast: …